But we want to do even more, and therefore we have set our own sustainability goals. One of these goals is net zero emissions from our investment portfolios by 2040. To get there, Handelsbanken Fonder is actively working on managing the investment portfolio in line with the Paris Agreement and maximizing the funds contribution to Global Goals.


Sustainable Investing. The Investor Success Project 

Source: Handelsbanken Asset Management. The sustainable funds are actively managed within the same investment process as our core funds, while the sustainable credentials of a potential investment are assessed against our ‘three pillars’ sustainability process. Handelsbanken Wealth & Asset Management’s (HWAM) Sustainable Investment Policy The Sustainable Multi Asset Funds’ investments are chosen in accordance with the HWAM Sustainable Investment Policy. The Sustainable Investment Policy outlines HWAM’s definition of sustainable investing and details on what basis underlying investments are assessed and selected. More sustainability in our range of mutual funds Since the turn of the year, Handelsbanken Asset Management has enhanced the sustainability requirements for the funds in the Swedish market.

Handelsbanken sustainable funds

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But we want to do even more, and therefore we have set our own sustainability goals. One of these goals is net zero emissions from our investment portfolios by 2040. To get there, Handelsbanken Fonder is actively working on managing the investment portfolio in line with the Paris Agreement and maximizing the funds contribution to Global Goals. Welcome to Handelsbanken Dorchester. We are a local relationship bank based on traditional values. Our customers benefit from having a dedicated account manager who understands the local market and the majority of decisions, including those on lending, are made in the branch.

The Sustainable Investment Policy outlines HWAM’s definition of sustainable investing and details on what basis underlying investments are assessed and selected. In our work towards a more sustainable future we have chosen to focus on six of the sustainable development goals. Our decision is based on the relevance to the Bank's core business, our degree of influence and risks we have identified.

Sustainability Analyst, Handelsbanken Asset Management | EMF Circular and Start Tracking: Guidelines for Measuring Sustainability Performance of Funds

Handelsbanken Liv erbjuder ett fondutbud i fondförsäkring som kvalitetsgranskas regelbundet. Förändringar i fondutbudet görs löpande. För att du som sparare ska kunna hålla dig uppdaterad har vi sammanställt förändringarna nedan.

Handelsbanken’s funds rated best by Lipper Wed, Apr 21, 2021 09:24 CET. The fund performance research company Lipper has named four of Handelsbanken’s mutual funds as the best in their respective categories. These are Hälsovård Tema, Sverige …

Fonden investerar globalt i företag som bidrar med produkter och ny miljöanpassad teknik inom hållbar  We are now launching the fund TIN New Technology. World class active management; Focus on technology, health and sustainability; Investing worldwide. Sustainability governance | Handelsbanken — fondo Handelsbanken Usa Index Criteria (b9 its consent to the transfer of the funds. andra är helt enkelt (för) mycket lojal till Handelsbanken… eller så har man en mamma https://seb.se/bors-och-finans/fonder/fondlista#funds/all Indexnära, 0,27, SE0002593673, SIX Sweden Sustainability Gross Index. BLACKROCK GF SUSTAINABLE ENERGY FUND CLASS A2 USD. LU0124384867 HANDELSBANKEN GLOBAL INDEX CRITERIA A1 SEK. SE0011309707.

Handelsbanken sustainable funds

Our Handelsbanken October 2019 Handelsbanken Sverigefond Index – fund merger We have made the decision to consolidate, i.e., merge, Handelsbanken Sverigefond Index (merging fund) with the comparable Handelsbanken Sverige Index Criteria (acquiring fund) for the purpose of refining our mutual fund offerings. Handelsbanken Wealth Management is a trading name of Handelsbanken Wealth & Asset Management Limited which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) in the conduct of investment business and is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Handelsbanken plc.

March 14, 2019.

The Nordic Swan Ecolabel brings together the consumer and the service or product provider; it speaks objectively of sustainability. Handelsbanken Wealth & Asset Management’s (HWAM) Sustainable Investment Policy The Sustainable Multi Asset Funds’ investments are chosen in accordance with the HWAM Sustainable Investment Policy. The Sustainable Investment Policy outlines HWAM’s definition of sustainable investing and details on what basis underlying investments are assessed and selected. In our work towards a more sustainable future we have chosen to focus on six of the sustainable development goals.
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Handelsbanken sustainable funds

This fund is one of four sustainable global multi asset funds that are available across the risk/return spectrum. Our mission statement: Inflation beating returns; Incentivising better corporate and government behaviour; Helping to solve problems, aligned with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals

For the management of fund-of-funds, the policy is applied to the part of the portfolio comprising funds managed internally by the Handelsbanken Group. About index funds and sustainability Xact Kapitalförvaltning manages index funds. Handelsbanken in brief Credit policy Sustainability aspects, such as environmental ri sks, are vital part of the Bank’s credit policy Credit responsibility • Credit responsibility at branch level • Customer and credit responsibility closely related • Each branch fully accountable internally for granting credits HANDELSBANKEN FUNDS Société d'Investissement à Capital Variable Registered office: 15, rue Bender, L-1229 Luxembourg, Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg R.C.S. Luxembourg B 22 175 Board of Directors Chairman Pär Sjögemark, Head of HMH International, Handelsbanken Fonder Ab, Sweden Handelsbanken Liv. SEK 311 billion is managed in our fossil-free mutual funds.